Consejo de administracion - organos de gobierno

> Responsibility and Sustainability
> Corporate governance
> Governing bodies
Board of Directors
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Esther Alcocer Koplowitz
- Chairman
- Propietary director
- Date of initial appointment: 27-06-2024
- Date of last appointment: 27-06-2024
- The director holds 0,099% of the total voting rights of the issued share capital.
A graduate in law, she has also completed the senior management programme (PADE) at the IESE Business School in Madrid.
Since January 2013, she has served as Chairwoman of the FCC Group, a member of its Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and the Appointments and Remuneration Committee.
She is a member of the Board of Directors at Realia as well as its Appointments and Remuneration Committee. She sits on the Board of Inmocemento and is a member of its Audit and Control Committee.
She previously sat on the Board of Cementos Portland Valderrivas and was a member of its Audit and Control Committee. She was also a member of the Advisory Board at CaixaBank Banca Privada.
She is a member of the board of trustees of the Princess of Asturias Foundation, a member of the plenary of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce and a member of the executive committee of the IESE Alumni Association (Madrid).
She has international experience on Boards of Directors.
She has received the following acknowledgements:
2023 Female Leadership in Business Award, from FEDEPE (Spanish Federation of Female Directors, Executives, Professionals and Businesswomen).
2023 Business Leader of the Year, Henneo Group.
2024 AMMDE Construction and Architecture Award in the category "Female Leaders" awarded by the Multisectorial Association of Female Directors and Businesswomen (AMMDE).
XL Gold Master of the Royal Forum of Senior Management.
She is a trustee of the Fundación Cultural de la Nobleza Española.
Esther Koplowitz Romero de Juseu
- First vice chairman
- Propietary director
- Date of initial appointment: 14-06-2023
- Date of last appointment: 14-06-2023
- The director holds 3.218% of the total voting rights of the issued share capital, 0.035% directly and 3.183% indirectly.
She is a shareholder of FCC, S.A. through the company NUEVA SAMEDE 2016, S.L., member of the board of directors of FCC, S.A., and first vice-president of the Company. She is also a proprietary director of INMOCEMENTO and is a member of its Appointments and Remuneration Committee.
She holds a degree in philosophy and arts from the University of Madrid; she has developed her business experience in the international field as a director of Veolia and Vivendi.
She is founder and chairwoman of the Esther Koplowitz Foundation. Among other acknowledgements, she has been awarded with: the Grand Cross of Civil Merit, the Gold Medal of the Region of Madrid, the Gold Medal and the title of Academic of Honour of the Royal Academy of History, the distinction of Honorary Citizen by the Valencia City Council, the City of Barcelona Coat of Arms, the Business Leader of the Year award, granted by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the USA, the Blanquerna Prize of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Madrid Grand Cross of Healthcare, the Gold and Diamond Insignia of the Police Orphans Foundation, Légion d’Honneur of the French Republic and The Grand Cross of the Civil Order of Environmental Merit, awarded by the Spanish Council of Ministers.
She is a trustee of the Fundación Cultural de la Nobleza Española.
Alejandro Aboumrad González
- Vice Chairman of the Board, Chairman Executive Committee
- Propietary director appointed at the proposal of Control Empresarial de Capitales, S.A. de C.V.
- Date of initial appointment: 13-01-2015
- Date of last appointment: 14-06-2023
- The director holds 0.078% of the total voting rights of the issued share capital.
Industrial Engineer at Anáhuac University. Mr. Aboumrad González has worked in subsidiary and related companies of Carso Group during the last 15 years, five years of which he has been working for the Financial Group Inbursa in the field of Project Evaluation and Risk Evaluation.
He is member of the Management Board of Inmuebles (Buildings) Carso, S.A.B. of C.V. and Minera Frisco, S.A.B. of C.V., holding in this last company the post of General Manager.
He is Chairman of the Board of FCC Aqualia, Chairman of FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente Holding, S.A.U., Vice Chairman of the Board of FCC and Chairman Executive Committee of FCC. He is also a proprietary director of INMOCEMENTO.
Pablo Colio Abril
- Managing Director
- Executive Director
- Date of initial appointment: 12-09-2017
- Date of last appointment: 14-06-2022
- The director holds 0.038% of the total voting rights of the issued share capital.
He is an architect from the Escuela Técnica Superior in Madrid. He has spent most of his professional career at FCC, a company to which he has dedicated more than 26 years.
Within the Group, he has been responsible for the international expansion of the industrial division. Among the positions he has held in the company are managing director of FCC Construction and managing director of FCC Industrial.
He is the chief executive officer of FCC Group and member of its Executive Committee, duties he shares with those of president of FCC Construcción, vice-president of FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente Holding, S.A.U. He is an executive director of INMOCEMENTO and sole administrator of Cementos Portland Valderrivas, S.A. He is also a director of the Mexican firm Carso Infraestructuras y Construcción (CICSA).
Carmen Alcocer Koplowitz
- Propietary director appointed at the proposal of Control Empresarial de Capitales, S.A. de C.V.
- Date of initial appointment: 14-06-2023
- Date of last appointment: 14-06-2023
- The director holds 0.129% of the total voting rights of the issued share capital.
Graduate in law from the Francisco de Vitoria University of Madrid.
She is a member of the Board of Directors of FCC, S.A.
Alicia Alcocer Koplowitz
- Propietary director appointed at the proposal of Esther Koplowitz Romero de Juseu
- Date of initial appointment: 29-06-2021
- Date of last appointment: 29-06-2021
- The director holds 0.083% of the total voting rights of the issued share capital.
A Law graduate, she started her professional career at Banco Zaragozano, now La Caixa, where she worked for four years in the Finance Department, at the bank's treasury desk and served as a director.
She is a member of the Innovation Committee, under the Secretary of State for Science, Technology, and Innovation (CDTI).
She is currently a director at FCC, S.A. and a member of its Executive Committee in a personal capacity. From 1999 to 2021, she was a member of the FCC Board through EAC Inversiones Corporativas SL.
She is a director and second vice-chariman of INMOCEMENTO and a member of its Appointments and Remuneration Committee. At present, she is a member of the Realia board, the Executive Committee and the Appointments and Remuneration Committee.
She sits on the board of Clínica Cemtro, and is also board member of the Esther Koplowitz Foundation, of the Hispanic-Jewish Foundation and used to be board member of the Valderrivas Foundation.
She is also an advisor to the Queen Sofia Spanish Institute (QSSI) as well as Air Nob.
On 2 May 2022, she was awarded the "Encomienda de la Orden del Dos de Mayo" (Commandery of the Order of Dos de Mayo)
Manuel Gil Madrigal
- Independent Director
- Date of initial appointment: 27-02-2015
- Date of last appointment: 14-06-2023
- The director indirectly holds 0.004% of the total voting rights of the issued share capital.
He holds a degree in law and business studies (E-3) from ICADE and is a founding partner of the company Tasmania Gestión. In 2000 he was also founder of the financial company N+1 and has been a board member of Vidrala, Ezentis, Funespaña, General de Alquiler de Maquinaria (GAM) and Campofrío, among other companies. He has also been director of capital markets at AB Asesores Bursátiles, partner of Morgan Stanley, and auditor at Arthur Andersen.
He is also an independent director of FCC and Grupo Barón de Ley.
Carlos Slim Helú
- Propietary director appointed at the proposal of Control Empresarial de Capitales, S.A. de C.V.
- Date of initial appointment: 14-06-2023
- Date of last appointment: 14-06-2023
- The director indirectly holds 11.916% of the total voting rights of the issued share capital.
Carlos Slim Helú is Civil Engineer at National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).Founder of the Group Carso, S.A.B. of C.V., América Móvil, Financial Group Inbursa and Inversora bursátil. He is also owner of Teléfonos de México (TELMEX).
Has been Deputy President of Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (Mexican Stock Exchange) and president of the Mexican Association of Stock Houses.
Has been the first President of the Latin-American Committee of the Value Stocks of New York Management Board.
Currently, he is Chairman of the Carso Infrastructures and Building Management Board (CICSA), Minera Frisco and President of the Carlos Slim Education Foundation, A.C. and the Foundation Telmex, A.C. Additionally, he is member of the Inmuebles Carso Management Board and IDEAL.
He is also a proprietary director of FCC, S.A. and INMOCEMENTO.
Gerardo Kuri Kaufmann
- Propietary director appointed at the proposal of Control Empresarial de Capitales, S.A. de C.V.
- Date of initial appointment: 13-01-2015
- Date of last appointment: 14-06-2023
- The director holds 0.124% of the total voting rights of the issued share capital.
He holds a degree in industrial engineering from Anáhuac University (Huixquilucan, Mexico) and has extensive experience in the real estate sector, where he has held and currently holds positions of the highest relevance.
He has worked as Purchasing Director of Carso Infraestructura y Construcción, S.A. de C.V. and is currently a member of the Board of Directors of such company. Since the incorporation of Inmuebles Carso, S.A. de C.V., he assumed the General Management of the same, from 2010 to 2015, where he is currently only part of its Board of Directors, as well as of all its subsidiaries. Additionally, he is a member of the Board of Directors of Grupo IDESA, S.A. de C.V., member of the Board of Directors of Elementia Materiales, S.A.P.I. de C.V., Alternate Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fortaleza Materiales, S.A.P.I. de C.V. He is a member of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Operadora de Sites Mexicanos, S.A.B. de C.V., Sitios Latinoamérica, S.A.B. de C.V. and Minera Frisco, S.A.B. de C.V.
In Spain, he is a member of the board of directors of Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas, SA, and of its executive committee. He is a proprietary director of INMOCEMENTO, S.A., and is also non-executive vice-chairman and proprietary director of Realia Business, S.A., as well as non-executive vice-chairman of Cementos Portland Valderrivas, S.A.
Juan Rodríguez Torres
- Proprietary Director appointed upon request by Control Empresarial de Capitales, S.A. de C.V.
- Date of first appointment: 07-10-2015
- Date of last appointment: 27-06-2024
- The director holds 0.095% of the total voting rights of the issued share capital.
He is a civil engineer from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), a master of Mathematics, stage in France at Beton Precontraint, he has a master's degree in engineering, planning and operations research from UNAM and has completed the AD-2 senior management programme at the Pan-American Institute of Senior Management (IPADE Business School).
He has been production manager and controller at Preesforzados Mexicanos, S.A. de ICA, and managing director of Domit Group, in the footwear sector. He is founder and director of several footwear companies. He is a director of Procorp SA de C.V., a capital investment company, a director of Minera Frisco, S.A.B. de C.V. and president of its audit committee. He is also a director of Grupo Sanborns, S.A.B. de C.V., a director of Elementia Materiales, S.A.P.I. de C.V. and member of its audit committee, a director of Fortaleza Materiales, S.A.P.I de C.V. and president of its audit committee and a director of CICSA, president of the board of directors of Red Nacional Última Milla S.A.P.I. de C.V. and Red Última Milla del Noroeste, S.A.P.I de C.V., and president of the board and member of the audit committee of Operadora de Sites Mexicanos, S.A.B. de C.V.
He is a personal representative of the director of Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas, S.A., Inmuebles Inseo, S.A. de C.V., and a member of its audit and control and appointments and remuneration committee.
He is also a proprietary director of INMOCEMENTO, Chairman of the Board of Directors and a member of its Audit and Control and Appointments and Remuneration Committees. He is also non-executive chairman and proprietary director of Realia.
Álvaro Vázquez de Lapuerta
- Independent Director
- Date of initial appointment: 27-02-2015
- Date of last appointment: 14-06-2023
- The director holds 0.0004% of the total voting rights of the issued share capital.
He holds a degree in law and business studies (E-3) from ICADE, he is currently a partner at Lira Capital and Meridia Partners. As Deputy General Manager of BBVA he was responsible for Treasury Clients, Capital Markets, and Investment Banking, as well as Investor Relations at BBVA and CEO of the securities firm BBVA Bolsa. Previously, at JP Morgan in Madrid, London, New York and Mexico he was responsible for, among other areas, Investment Banking and Capital Markets for Latin America, as well as Equities for Europe. He is also an independent director of FCC, S.A. and is also an independent director of INMOCEMENTO and a member of its Appointments and Remuneration Committee and Audit and Control Committee.
Francisco Vicent Chuliá
- Secretary (non-member)
Felipe Bernabé García Pérez
- Vicesecretary (non-member)