We reduce consumption of natural resources. We minimise environmental impact

FCC's environmental management system is a fundamental instrument for ensuring eco-efficiency in our productive processes. In 2010, we continued to make progress on obtaining environmental certification for our activities and facilities, achieving such certification for 74% of our activities.

Sistema de Gestión Ambiental

El sistema de gestión ambiental de FCC es un instrumento básico para la eco-eficiencia de los procesos productivos. Impulsamos de manera continua la certificación ambiental de nuestras actividades e instalaciones, lo que en la actualidad nos ha llevado a alcanzar el 79% de certificación de la actividad de FCC.

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

FCC has initiatives in place to reduce combustion-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In addition, each of our business areas has its own initiatives for reducing emissions of Nox and SO2 particulates.

Efficiency in water consumption

Water is an important resource in FCC's activities, such as environmental services and cement production. For this reason, we use water that is unsuitable for human consumption whenever possible.

Optimising use of materials

Each FCC business area has initiatives in place to ensure the best level of environmental protection in our productive processes. In Construction, for example, surplus material is used for alternative purposes.

Waste management

FCC reuses, recycles and valorises the waste it produces, rather than discharging it or sending it to landfill. In 2010, 11.93% of all the waste managed was sent for composting, recycling or valorisation.

Protecting biodiversity

Before we carry out our projects, we produce environmental impact studies to evaluate and implement the options that will best protect the environment. Afterwards, we return the areas we have used, as far as possible, to their original condition.

Sustainable construction

FCC applies strict sustainability criteria and the most efficient technology in its projects. Particularly noteworthy are the Proyecto Cíclope (Cyclops Project), which is working to improve energy efficiency in buildings and reduce the CO2 emissions of building materials, and the Afrisol Project, which is studying bioclimatic design and alternative energy use in buildings.