International group
FCC is one of the international benchmark groups in the provision of citizen services, with a presence in more than 30 countries and providing extensive experience in environmental services, in end-to-end water cycle management, as well as in the development and management of infrastructures and in the production of associated materials.
About 40.3% of the company's turnover is generated in international markets, mainly Europe (28.5%), the Middle East (4.7%), Latin America (2.8%), North Africa 2, 8%) and the United States (1.3%).
FCC's outlook is to contribute to the development and progress of cities, creating value for all citizens and also for its clients, shareholders and collaborators. A one-hundred-year-old corporate culture with solid values make it possible for FCC's businesses to grow on the basis of long-lasting, transparent and mutually beneficial relationships with those stakeholders with which the Group interacts.