Health, Safety and Well-being Policy
The FCC Group is firmly committed to the safety, health and well-being of its employees. This is the pillar of its business strategy and is in line with its responsibility as a social agent.
With development as one of the principles of action of our Code of Ethics and Conduct, and in compliance with the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard by which we certify our health and safety management systems, we keep our policies in this area up-to-date, focusing on integration and control in production processes and on the participation and the promotion of health in all of its dimensions.
LIVE HEALTHY is a movement that represents the value and identity that FCC is building and developing, by all and for all, with the aim of creating an organisation led and represented by healthier, happier, better trained and more fulfilled people, who represent the essential pillar of its strength as a company, a group of people and a social agent.
LIVE HEALTHY is also part of our brand, our motto and our commitment to the well-being of people, collectively and individually, as an essential element in an exciting and challenging future where people are empowered and confident. It is organised through a continuous cycle of initiatives and actions designed and developed at global and local levels. We start with an analysis of our situation as a group to develop actions to improve and make resources available for well-being. All with the aim of satisfying group and individual health interests, understood as total physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of illness.