FCC holds its first Inclusive Leadership Conference

FCC has held an Inclusive Leadership Conference for the management team in Spain to promote a diverse culture and highlight the importance of inclusive leadership in the FCC Group, insofar as it is a matter of meeting FCC's commitments and purpose while at the same time being a necessity for the company's success and sustainability.
The event was opened by the Managing Director of the FCC Group, Pablo Colio Abril, who thanked the attendees for attending the event and emphasized that "you play a fundamental role in spreading a diverse culture, in establishing a safe environment for the people who make up our teams and in developing an inclusive leadership style that welcomes all differences and uses them with conviction to always obtain the best for our company and for society".
In addition, Pablo Colio encouraged all the people to continue working on inclusion and diversity from their position as guides for their teams and that their example will allow us to continue moving forward to remain a leading Group and a model in these matters. He also understood that "inclusive leadership is fundamental for the success and sustainability of organizations".
Miguel Castro, SAP's Global Director of Diversity and Inclusion and co-founder and first president of REDI (Business Network for Diversity and Inclusion LGTBI), of which he is currently an honorary member, was a speaker at the conference. Miguel, an expert in diversity and inclusion in the business environment, addressed various issues related to inclusive leadership such as equal opportunities, respect and valuing differences, talent attraction, bias, innovation and the evolution of team performance in environments that favor diversity and inclusion. During his presentation he highlighted the importance of "being an inclusive company, having a motivated, committed workforce that gives its best and contributes to the success of the business and attracts talent".