We are FCC N28

Guidelines for minimising cybersecurity risks Let’s pay attention and be careful! If you have any doubts or detect anything suspicious, please report it immediately to InfoSecurity@fcc.es . Thank you very much for your cooperation! Do not open any attachment from a suspicious email or from an unknown sender. Nor click on a link in a suspicious email. Before entering your credentials, always check how and in what form they are requested and never enter them on unknown sites. Do not transport sensitive information on removable devices. If you do, encrypt the information. Never leave your devices unattended in public places or in your vehicle. Lock your computer when you leave your workstation. Do not modify the settings of your corporate device or install unauthorised applications. Avoid using non-corporate equipment to access company services. When travelling, do not send sensitive information over untrusted WIFI networks. Passwords should be secret and should not be shared.