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The project will increase energy savings by at least 10 % of consumption The project includes actions in all phases of the integral water cycle through the integration of new tech- nologies: remote meter reading, digi- tal cartographic information systems (GIS), mathematical modelling of networks, energy efficiency, control centres, tools based on artificial inte - lligence for automation and process control, control of drinking water los- ses and discharges, among others. The solutions will result in water and energy savings and improved servi- ce to users. These measures will make it pos- sible to alleviate major problems of overflows and flooding caused by overflows in the drainage network and in the collectors, which are res- ponsible for absorbing rainfall peaks, thus avoiding environmental damage such as contamination of water re- sources. Automation that saves water and energy In water treatment, one of the ob- jectives pursued is energy saving, which has a direct impact on cost sa- vings. This is another of the central axes of the project, which includes a wide range of measures proposed to promote it. On the one hand, through the installation of elements such as metering devices that allow energy monitoring or frequency variators in the pump motors to adjust the flow rate. On the other hand, the reduc- tion of water leaks in the supply ne- tworks, achieved through the appli- cation of data analysis and leakage control and management systems, will also allow a significant reduction in energy consumption. It is estimated that the set of actions will reduce average annual ener- gy consumption by at least 10.7% (2,517,364 kWh), which will also re- sult in a reduction of CO 2 emissions into the atmosphere. The execution period for the project ends in December 2025 and the ac- tions will begin within 9 months of the granting of the aid. The MITERD has already announced a second call of the PERTE, with a budget of 200 mi- llion euros, with a deadline for appli- cations from 30 October 2023 to 13 December 2023. An improved network to meet the demographic and environmental challenge The population of Campo de Gibral- tar totals 275,571 inhabitants, with two of its municipalities considered to be part of the “Demographic Cha- llenge”, as they have less than 5,000 inhabitants (Castellar de la Frontera and San Martín del Tesorillo). Most of the region is under some form of environmental protection, such as the natural park of Los Alcornocales, which covers six of the eight munici- palities, and the natural park of the Strait of Gibraltar. The region of Campo de Gibraltar has faced the beginning of autumn with little more than a year’s worth of water in its reservoirs. Water re- serves in the area fell by 25% in the hydrological year - which ended on 30 September - according to the Hidrosur Network, which monitors the state of Andalusia’s reservoirs. The region has been in a situation of “exceptional severe drought” sin- ce October 2021 by an Order of the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Li- vestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development. Andalusian reservoirs continue to reduce their reserves and are currently at 18.6% of their total capacity. On the other hand, certain charac- teristics of the region, such as the markedly torrential rainfall, the short distance between the sierras and the sea and the differences in the gra - dients of the river courses, define it as an area of high flood risk. This is one of the aspects to be improved by the project, which plans to set up a Geographic Information System (GIS) to work with geo-referenced information. The GIS will contain all the data of the elements that make up the drinking water networks and will make it possible to design and simulate the drainage network to prevent and control flooding, define control strategies for a network and protect water quality. I N N O V A T I O N 70 I N N O V A T I O N