We are FCC N28

The low level of water reserves in Spain, with the water reserve at 37% of its capacity, calls for an increase in efficiency in the management of the water cycle. The situation in the Andalusian Mediterranean Basin is even more serious, at 26% of total capacity. In this context, the Minis- try of Ecological Transition and De- mographic Challenge (MITERD) has just announced that eight municipali- ties in the Campo de Gibraltar (Alge- ciras, La Línea de la Concepción, Ta- rifa, Castellar de la Frontera, Jimena de la Frontera, Los Barrios, San Mar- tín del Tesorillo and San Roque) will benefit from a centralised water ma - nagement system, which will lead to significant improvements in their cat - chment, supply, sanitation, dischar- ge and treatment systems, as they are included in one of the 30 projects selected to receive a grant in the first call of the Strategic Projects for Eco- nomic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE, Spanish acronym) for the digitalisation of the water cycle. Aqualia and Arcgisa (Agua y Resi- duos del Campo de Gibraltar, S.A.), the public service company wholly owned by the Mancomunidad de Municipios del Campo de Gibraltar, presented a series of projects as a public-private partnership, among which the digitalisation of the Campo de Gibraltar Integrated Water Cycle was selected. The project, which has been supported by the Association of Municipalities of Campo de Gibraltar, Algeciras Town Council and Tarifa Town Council, has a total investment of 13.3 million euros, of which 7.7 mi- llion will come from the PERTE. The proposal presented includes a series of technical solutions to de- ploy an automated and centralised system to monitor and coordinate all the elements of the water supply network, improving communication between the different processes and the capacity to respond to incidents. The actions will be carried out in in- frastructures that are already in ope- ration and are aimed at improving efficiency in both water management and energy consumption, with the aim of reducing losses of water re- sources. Aqualia and the public company Arcgisa will carry out a comprehensive project to digitalise the water cycle in eight municipalities in Campo de Gibraltar, with the aim of reducing losses and increasing energy savings through tools based on Big Data and the automation of installations. More than 275,000 inhabitants will benefit from the solutions of a centralised system that will monitor the components of the water supply network, improving processes and the capacity to respond to incidents. I N N O V A T I O N 69 I N N O V A T I O N