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Aqualia has presented the awards for the second edition of the “i4U” In- novation Awards, an initiative aimed at developing internal talent and pro- moting an innovative and sustainable culture among employees. The aim is to promote new ideas and facilitate their implementation in order to face a future scenario full of challenges. On this occasion, a total of 33 pro- posals from 4 countries (Colombia, Italy, Czech Republic and Spain) were submitted to the competition, seeking to improve the quality of pro- cesses and services, the efficiency of the working environment and the sustainability of the company. The ceremony was held at Aqualia’s cor- porate headquarters in Madrid. Winning team The team formed by Lubomir Vy- vial, Pavlína Myšáková and Lumir Monski from the Energy section of the Asset Management department of SmVak, Aqualia’s subsidiary in the Czech Republic, was the winner in this second edition. A proposal that proposes a system that makes it possible to use the heat from the air generated in the treatment of wastewater to pre-heat the sanitary water and at the same time use it as energy for heating the wastewater treatment plant itself. The jury consi- dered that the project “represents a great energy saving by reducing the consumption of the installations”. Luis de Lope, Aqualia’s International Director, presented the prize, a tra- vel voucher worth 3,000 euros. Jury’s first runner-up prize This award went to the initiative of Javier Esteve Ocaña, deputy fore- man of the Alcoy (Alicante) service, with an internal training project throu- gh gamification, which transfers the mechanics of games to the educa- Aqualia recognises the innovative talent of its team in the second edition of the “i4U” Awards The winners of the 2nd edition of Aqualia’s “i4U” Innovation Awards (from right to left): Javier Esteve Ocaña (Jury’s 1st Runner-up), Eugenio Marín (Jury’s 2nd Runner-up), Pavlína Myšáková, Lubomir Vyvial (First Prize) and Gerardo Díaz Piélagos (Employees’ Runner-up). I N N O V A T I O N 66 I N N O V A T I O N