We are FCC N28

This year’s edition, under the motto “Together, we create the future” and from the scope of the 20 delegations of the company in Spain and Portu- gal, 22 initiatives have competed, the largest response since the con- test was launched, and four of them have been awarded in the different categories: Social Initiatives, Quali- ty, Environment and Innovation. Innovative, sustainable and com- mitted projects The jury emphasised the high qua- lity of the projects, which focused on very sensitive issues with great social and environmental impact: circular economy, improvement of processes, equality programmes, integration and inclusion, use of te- chnology to optimise service while respecting the environment, among others. In the Quality category, the prize went to the “Use of new technology for 100% control of the weighing of litter bins on the Arenal in the clea- ning of the beaches of San Sebas- tián” project, by Carmelo Aguas, from the Gipuzkoa-Navarra branch. The initiative develops a computer application to control the weighing of litter bins on the beaches of San Sebastian-Donostia, via mobile phone, which provides data on this service in real time. Víctor Badenas and Judit Ríos, from the Eastern Industrial Waste - Neve- ras Centre area, have been awarded in the Innovation category for their “Zero Waste and Circular Economy in the Refrigerator Recycling Plant” project. This initiative is developed under the idea “Waste = Resource” and is based on efficiency and reu - se, and aims to achieve an increa- se in recycling and recovery of the plant reaching an overall recovery rate of 93%. In the Environment category, the “Bi-compartment rear-loading compactor collector with reduced dimensions on a hybrid electric chassis” initiative won, presented by Antonio Bravo, Raúl Carpio and Jesús Pajares, from the Machinery Department. The project consists of the design and manufacture of a rear-loading compactor collector lorry with two completely indepen- dent compartments, consisting of a chassis and a bodywork with a newly developed double container lift, with the aim of reducing the ve- hicle’s dimensions and thus making it possible to operate in areas of the bility to other contracts and areas; the possibility of future develop- ments based on the one presented; improvements for workers and their living conditions; and improvements for groups at risk of exclusion. These awards are created with the purpose of channeling the know-how of FCC Medio Ambiente personnel, as well as recognizing their effort and willingness to participate through proposals that can translate into operational im- provements, enhancing the com- pany’s competitiveness. They are aligned with the Sustainability Strategy 2050 and within their commitment to research, develo- pment, and innovation. city where it would be impossible to work with a standard lorry. Finally, the “Programme for the La- bour Market Integration of Groups at Risk of Exclusion” presented by Jesús García, Javier de la Torre and Laura Mirat, from the Madrid Branch, was the winner in the cate- gory of best Social Initiative. It is an innovative programme for inclusive development, which promotes the labour market integration of groups at risk of social exclusion, and allows for detailed monitoring and analysis of recruitment processes. When assessing the awarded appli- cations, the jury took into account those that met the following requi- rements: innovative characteristics; technical, environmental, social and management improvements; com- petitive improvements and applica- Avanza Awards Presentation of the AVANZA Awards. I N N O V A T I O N 65 I N N O V A T I O N