We are FCC N28

Valencia will be the European Green Capital for 2024, as decided by the European Commission in October 2022. Since the official presentation of the project on 1 June 2021, FCCMedioAmbiente has unreservedly supported the candidacy. In the words of its general manager, Jordi Payet, the company is a pioneer in providing decarbonisation solutions and has been developing electric mobility technology for more than 50 years with the aim of reducing greenhouse gases: “We are marching together along the path of sustainability and environmental defence”, as well as the gradual integration of staff at risk of exclusion through FCC Equal, the Special Employment Centre for the social and occupational integration of people with disabilities promoted by FCCMedioAmbiente. Valencia European Green Capital 2024 C O M M U N I T I E S 61 C O M M U N I T I E S