We are FCC N28

As part of the SAFETY IS NOT NEGOTIABLE cam- paign, the Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group has held the training corresponding to the third module in all its work centres in Spain, Tunisia and the United King- dom, which aims to raise awareness of the risks invol- ved in working in a confined space. This campaign launched by the Health and Safety area of cement has a clear objective: to strengthen a preven- tive culture from the perspective of self-protection. The latest training on confined spaces was held in Sep - tember and consisted of a workshop led by safety ex- perts where an awareness-raising video was shown, fil - med in a confined space at the plant in El Alto, starring factory workers and directed by the Group’s Commu- nication area. As part of this campaign, a debate was also held where all participants shared possible impro- vements and the search for critical points focused on avoiding accidents. Cementos Portland Valderrivas Safety Campaign FCC employees take part in the 14th Popular Heart Race For yet another year, the FCC Group has joined in the Popular Heart Race organised by the Spa- nish Heart Foundation and the Spanish Society of Cardiology to raise public awareness of the im- portance of practising sport to pre- vent cardiovascular diseases. FCC joined in with more than 100 participants in the different catego- ries, with members of its Running Club playing a prominent role in this popular race that transmits va- lues of solidarity, companionship and sportsmanship to organisa- tions. As on other occasions, the participation of FCC employees was a success, and they did not miss this important sporting event. The aim of this race is to promote physical activity among the popu- lation, from the youngest to the ol- dest, and to enjoy a festive family day where sport is the protagonist, instilling the importance of acqui- ring healthy habits to improve peo- ple’s physical condition. With its VIVE Saludable project, FCC is firmly committed to initia- tives that promote and encourage concern for people’s health, focu- sing on physical activity, healthy eating habits and health care. W E L L N E S S 54 W E L L N E S S