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Through the PAMA awards (Andalusia Environment Awards), the Anda - lusian Government highlights the efforts and commitment of Anda - lusian society in favour of the en - vironment. In this way, it rewards companies, the scientific society, administrations, associations and foundations, as well as individuals, for their decisive role in promoting the ‘Green Revolution’ and the fight against climate change. The award ceremony of the 27th edi - tion was held at the Palacio de Con - gresos y Exposiciones de Córdoba and was presided over by the Mi - nister of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy, Ramón Fernán - dez-Pacheco Monterreal. The award was presented by Manuel Guzmán De la Roza, president of the Sustai - nability, Environment and Blue Eco - nomy Commission of the Andalu - sian Parliament, and the award was collected by Lucas Díaz Gázquez, Aqualia’s director in Andalusia, Ex - tremadura and the Canary Islands. The company received the award in the circular economy category for the Life Ulises project, which it is de - veloping at the El Bobar wastewater treatment plant in Almeria. Lucas Díaz emphasised that “this award encourages us to continue pro - moting initiatives that promote reuse and the circular economy applied to its maximum expression, converting wastewater into high-value products. At Aqualia, we are committed to this approach in the face of the critical water shortage scenario that we are experiencing, and an example of this is the platform focused on the rege - neration of wastewater for agricultu - ral uses (Hub REUSA) that we have created in the city of Almeria”. In this line, the company works for the development of innovative tech - nologies and responsible solutions in the integral water cycle that promote sustainability, both from an environ - mental and social point of view, as well as from an economic one. Thus, the company is committed to chan - ging the paradigm of wastewater treatment by converting waste (was - tewater) into value-added products, while significantly reducing energy consumption and promoting the cir - cular economy. The LIFE Ulysses project The main objective of Life Ulises is to revolutionise conventional wastewa - ter treatment processes through a set of novel technologies to produce valuable resources such as biofuel for vehicles, agricultural biofertilisers and water suitable for reuse from wastewater. The aim is to develop the concept of a zero-discharge was - tewater treatment plant. The project aims to reduce energy consumption and the carbon foo - tprint associated with wastewater treatment by increasing the efficien - cy of a conventional wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) through the integration of different technologies in each of its main phases (water, gas and sludge). Aqualia receives award from the Andalusian Regional Government for its contribution to the circular economy Manuel Guzmán De la Roza, president of the Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy Commission of the Andalusian Parliament, during the presentation of the award to Lucas Díaz Gázquez, director of Aqualia in Andalusia, Extremadura and the Canary Islands. S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 52 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y