We are FCC N28

The purpose of the Cementos Port - land Valderrivas Group is to pro - mote sustainable progress, and this objective will only be achieved if everyone in the group strives to achieve it. Sustainability is not so - mething that can be achieved by just a few people, it requires the effort, commitment and conviction of ever - yone. The Group will be sustainable if sustainability is accepted as a phi - losophy of life. Since the beginning of this year, Cementos Portland Valderrivas has been working to ensure that the de - velopment of this sustainable busi - Cementos Portland Valderrivas explains its business purpose through cement vats For sustainable progress ness culture, focused on achieving a common purpose, reaches every corner of the company. One of the principles that is contri - buting most to the achievement of this objective is transparency, be - cause being transparent is the be - ginning, and because it has an equal impact on all stakeholders. So far, it has been deployed internally among employees. Now is the time to move forward and transmit to customers, suppliers and the local environment of the factories where the Group is heading. Cementos Portland Valderrivas has started this campaign by placing the message IMPULSA - MOS EL PROGRESO SOSTE - NIBLE (WE PROMOTE SUS - TAINABLE PROGRESS) on its cement vats, in order to spread this aim as far as possible and to reach the greatest possible number of people. VIDEO S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 47 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y