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FCC Environment UK has received three major awards at the tenth an - nual Zero Waste Awards, a classic UK event organised by recycling and waste management specialist Lets - recycle as part of the Resource & Waste Management Expo (RWM) in Birmingham, United Kingdom. The Zero Waste Awards are presen - ted annually to promote and recogni - se initiatives undertaken by compa - nies in the sector to minimise, reduce and prevent the generation of waste. FCC Environment received a first award for its innovative Reuse Centre at Swanton Road in Norwich. Over the past nine months, the centre, in partnership with the Benjamin Foun - dation, a charity that provides social and economic support to children, young people and families in Norfolk and Suffolk, has generated £195,000 of social value (nearly 226,150 euros) and repaired and reintroduced 157 fridges to the market, an unprece - dented success in giving a new life to items that would otherwise be dis- carded. The second award was received for the company’s global focus on Re - pair and Reuse processes, which are essential to avoid emissions and re - duce energy and resource consump - FCC Environment UK honoured at the Zero Waste Awards tion by extending the life of products and avoiding the manufacture of new ones. With facilities such as ‘Repair Cafes’ and permanent and tempo - rary reuse shops, and initiatives put in place to meet local needs, in 2022, these premises turned over £2.36 million (€2.74 million), avoiding 2,514 tonnes of waste, an increase of over 38.8% in revenue and 809 tonnes of items reused, over 47% compared to 2021. The third award went to the bag sorting project in partnership with Hull and East Yorkshire Councils. For local authorities, which already achieve good recycling rates (77%), identifying and introducing new recy - cling initiatives at recycling points is a challenge. Thanks to this project, an additional 736 tonnes of waste was diverted into recyclable streams in 2022, equivalent to the weight of four Boeing 747 Jumbo jets. S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 46 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y