We are FCC N28

Buildings generate almost a third of global CO 2 emis- sions. That is why good insulation in our homes and energy-efficient appliances, together with small ac - tions such as unplugging equipment when not in use or turning down the heating by one degree, conside - rably reduce our carbon footprint. Planes, along with cars, are the most polluting means of transport, so whenever possible use public trans - port, cycle or walk, and if you can, switch to elec - tric or hybrid cars. And for long journeys, whenever possible, use the train. This will reduce your carbon footprint by up to 90% on your commute. It takes 2,400 litres of water to make a hamburger, but every day you don’t eat meat you reduce your carbon footprint by up to 3.6 kg of CO 2 emissions per day - the equivalent of driving 26 kilometres. It is also essential not to waste food and to segregate waste so that it can be properly managed. The fast fashion industry is responsible for almost 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. In the production of one pair of jeans, for example, 13 kg of CO 2 are generated and 7,500 litres of water are consumed. That’s why it’s important to buy less, and when you do, to buy from eco-friendly companies. But, in addition to your responsibility at home, during your working day, the water you drink, the electricity you use and the waste you generate form part of your company’s environmental footprint. You can contribute to reducing it with simple gestures such as recycling in the corresponding container, using a glass bottle for water, tra - velling by public transport, or switching off the computer at the end of the day. Acting responsibly, helping to build a strong corporate culture, and protecting the interests of all our stakeholders is the best way to con - tribute to making our company more sustainable every day. Although sustainability needs a joint response, every individual effort helps to build a better future. By changing a few habits in our daily lives, we reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to reducing the planet’s global emissions. S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 45 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y