We are FCC N28

Pablo Colio Abril, CEO of the FCC Group, during the opening of the event. Miguel Castro, Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion at SAP and co-founder and first president of REDI (Business Network for LGBTI Diversity and Inclusion) during his speech. FCC has held an Inclusive Lea- dership Conference for the ma- nagement team in Spain to foster a diverse culture and highlight the importance of inclusive lea- dership in the FCC Group, insofar as it is both a matter of meeting FCC’s commitments and purpose and a necessity for the company’s success and sustainability. The event was opened by the CEO of the FCC Group, Pablo Colio Abril, who thanked the at- tendees for attending the event and emphasised that “you play a fundamental role in spreading a diverse culture, in establishing a safe environment for the peo- ple who make up our teams and in developing an inclusive lea- dership style that welcomes all differences and uses them with conviction to always obtain the best for our company and for society”. In addition, Pablo Colio encou- raged all the people to continue working on inclusion and diversi- ty from their position as guides of their teams and that their exam- ple allows us to continue to move forward to remain a leading Group and a model in these issues. And this with the understanding that “inclusive leadership is fundamen- tal for the success and sustainabi- lity of organisations”. Miguel Castro, SAP’s Global Di- rector of Diversity and Inclusion and co-founder and first presi - dent of REDI (Business Network gives its best and contributes to the success of the business and attracts talent”. for LGTBI Diversity and Inclu- sion), of which he is currently an honorary member, was a speaker at the conference. Miguel, an ex- pert in diversity and inclusion in the business world, addressed various issues related to inclu- sive leadership such as equal opportunities, respect and va- luing differences, attracting ta - lent, biases, innovation and the evolution of team performance in environments that favour diversi- ty and inclusion. During his presentation he highli- ghted the importance of “being an inclusive company, having a mo- tivated, committed workforce that FCC holds its first Inclusive Leadership Day D I V E R S I T Y D I V E R S I T Y 43