We are FCC N28

FCC supports the International Day for the Elimination of Violen- ce against Women, which is held every year on 25 November. The Group is making an appeal within the company to recall its princi- ples and report on its commitment and vision: zero tolerance of gen- der violence and promotion of the social and professional integration of women who are victims of this scourge. At FCC Balmes Corporate Head- quarters in Barcelona, the com- pany held a commemorative event that focused on the police organi- sation and the role played by the Mossos d’Esquadra unit in cases unit works and the role we play in gender violence”. The event closed with the presen- tation of an award to this service unit in appreciation of its work, involvement and care for women victims of gender-based violence, and a family photo. Commemorative event at FCC’s Corporate Headquarters in Barcelona to support the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women of female victims of gender violen- ce. The event was opened by So- nia Batanero, legal labour adviser in the FCC Group’s Corporate Hu- man Resources area, who stres- sed that “it is essential that we all work together, companies and law enforcement agencies, to create a strong, resilient network of support for all victims”. Also speaking for the Mossos d’Esquadra was Andrea García González, head of the Central Unit for Victim Support and Follow-up, who thanked the Mossos d’Esqua- dra for holding this kind of event: “This day is a way of making visi- ble how the Mossos d’Esquadra Presentation of the award to the Mossos d’Esquadra’s Central Unit for Victim Support and Monitoring. VIDEO D I V E R S I T Y D I V E R S I T Y 38