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expressed her concern about the relationship between gender vio- lence and the use of social ne- tworks “it is essential to make the victim aware so that she takes the step and reports it, although so- metimes she cannot and the rest of us do it. In addition, Elena’s message “we want brave women and a committed society” should be highlighted in her speech. Judicial Police Unit of the Madrid Command of the Guardia Civil, Women-Minors Team (EMUME) Representing the Guardia Ci- vil was Antonio José Fernández Prieto, sergeant and head of the Women-Minors Team (EMUME) of the Judicial Police Organic Unit (UOPJ) of the Madrid Command. Sergeant Fernández Prieto exp- lained what the VioGen system is: “The VioGen system is a computer application where the complaint is collected and then an evaluation is carried out to see the level of risk that the victim has of suffering ano - ther aggression. It is a much more direct system. Madrid Municipal Police’s 24- hour Service for Women Victims of Gender Violence (SAVG) Finally, on behalf of the Municipal Police of Madrid, Marta Fernández Ulloa, Chief Commissioner of the Main Station of the Judicial Police of the Service of Attention to Wo- men Victims of Gender Violence (SAVG 24 hours), accompanied by Ana Fernández Izquierdo, Director General of Equality and against Gender Violence, whose Directo- rate is responsible for the SAVG 24 hours, attended the event. Both women, who are specialised in the subject and available 24 hours a day, commented that it is important to accompany the victim throughout the process of gender violence, they have to let the vic- tim know that they are not alone. Marta Fernández commented that “the role of companies and the or- ganisation of events such as these is fundamental for the eradication of gender violence”. The event closed with the pre- sentation of awards to the units of the Security Forces and Corps to thank them for their work, involve- ment and care for women victims of gender violence. The Business Director of the Real Estate Area, Ana Hernández, accompanied by Filomeno Ortiz Aspe, Director of Administration and Finance of the Real Estate Area, was in charge of presenting these awards to the Se- curity Forces and Corps units, em- phasising in her speech that “for us it is essential to publicise your units specialising in the prevention and investigation of offences and cri - minal offences related to gender, domestic and sexual violence and against minors, always providing them with specialised, immediate attention adapted to the type of offence and its circumstances”. VIDEO D I V E R S I T Y D I V E R S I T Y 37