We are FCC N28

FCC supports the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is celebrated every year on 25 November. The Group is making an appeal within the company to recall its principles and report on its commitment and vision: zero tolerance of gender vio- lence and promotion of the social and professional integration of wo- men who are victims of this scourge. The company held an event at FCC’s corporate headquarters in Las Tablas, Madrid, in the for- mat of a round table moderated by journalist Helena Resano. The event focused on the importance of the role played by the units of the Security Forces and Corps that deal with women who are victims of gender-based violence. The event was opened by Isidoro Valverde, manager of Labour Re- lations and Diversity in the FCC Group’s Corporate Human Re- sources Department. National Police Family and Wo- men’s Care Units (UFAM) On behalf of the National Police, we had the presence of María Elena Palacios Tejero, inspector in charge of the Family and Wo- men’s Services Unit (UFAM), ac- companied by the chief inspector, María Cristina Marí García, head of the Central Family and Wo- men’s Services Unit (UFAM) of the General Commissariat of the Judicial Police. Palacios Tejero FCC commemorates International Day for the for the Elimination of Violence against Women together with the Security Forces Family photo after the end of the event at the Corporate Headquarters in Las Tablas, Madrid. D I V E R S I T Y D I V E R S I T Y 36