We are FCC N28

What is the relationship with the local media? In this project our client is responsi- ble for the relationship with the local media, and when needed we support them with information. What do you do in your free time? what are your hobbies? A coffee shop nearly always features in my free time, as it’s the perfect pla- ce to meet up with family and friends. I enjoy spending some of my free time indulging in my passion for Brutalism, be it online, in books or even better by physically going to see Brutalist buildings and structures. I appreciate this is a niche hobby, but since child- A465 extension hood I’ve been fascinated by architec- ture and with Brutalism the visionary thinking behind many of the buildings adds to their appeal as they were bor- ne of time when people wanted to find new ways of living. I am a board mem- ber for a housing association here in Wales, and this is a responsibly I take pride in as the association works to build quality homes and rent them affordably to people in housing need. I have also started to write a book. This is the first time I’ve attempted to write one and I’m sure it will keep me busy during the long dark winter evenings. I’m aiming to complete it by spring 2024. I’m not going to explain anything about the book until I’ve fi - nished writing it. At this stage I really FCC is part of the Future Valleys consortium which includes Meri- diam, an international investment fund, together with the Irish company Roadbridge and the Welsh company Alun Griffiths. The project is worth 653 million euros and has a term that runs until May 2025. The project, developed under the PPP model, consists of the widening of the A465 dual carriageway on sections 5 and 6, which have a leng- th of 17.3 kilometres and are located between the towns of Dowlais Top, Merthyr Tydfil and Hirwaun. At pre - sent, these sections of the dual ca- rriageway have a single carriageway and heavy traffic. The award of the project, which will complete the dualling of the A465, is important for the improvement of mobility and connectivity in Wales, as well as for the revitalisation of the local economy. don’t know what will happen to it, but if I enjoy the process of writing it, I will be happy with the achievement. How would you define the com - pany you work for? The company I work for understands that the world we live in today is rapid- ly changing, and to meet these chan- ges we are embracing technology to build for a very different tomorrow. This is a tomorrow where sustaina- bility will be at the core of everything we do. Being part of a company that is truly committed to deliver projects that support our future is something I believe everyone at FCC Construc- tion can be proud to be a part of. P E O P L E 35 P E O P L E