We are FCC N28

How do you think the country is modernising with the progressive entry of women into the workpla- ce? To what extent can the entry of companies such as Aqualia, which are committed to corporate chan - ge towards diversity, contribute to progress in the country’s labour and social world? The entry of women in Saudi Arabia’s labour force has only just begun, especially for foreign workers. However, the rules for non-natives are starting to beco- me less restrictive, mainly in ter- ms of the type of clothing worn. There is a way to go, but it has al- ready begun. And companies like Aqualia are and will be of great help in this development. What would you say to other mem- bers of the Aqualia family who are considering a work project in this area? What can a country like Sau - di Arabia, so different from Spain, contribute to professional and per - sonal development? Adaptarse a un país como este no es fácil, sobre todo para una mu- jer con una hija de cuatro años, como es mi caso. A pesar de ello, todo se puede hacer porque el país se está abriendo al turismo y adaptando algunas buenas prácti- cas de occidente. En cuanto a la seguridad, es un país muy segu- ro. Solo sigue las reglas y respeta la cultura local. P E O P L E 33 P E O P L E