We are FCC N28

The Northern Saudi Arabia Cluster contract, led by Aqualia (51%) and also involving the Saudi service companies Tawzea (39%) and HAA - CO (10%), is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the complete water cycle in the Saudi regions of Qassim, Hail, Al-Jouf and Northern Border in northern Arabia, a territory with a population of more than three million people in an area equivalent to three quarters of Spain (380,000 km 2 ). Carla is in charge of ensuring that the complex management ma- chinery of a service like this, so extensive in territory and so la- bour-intensive, meets the com- pany’s highest quality standards. Her work is essential for putting together the pieces of a contract that includes the management of, among other assets, 92 water treat - ment plants, 657 reservoirs, 664 catchment wells, 150 drinking wa - ter pumping stations, 67 tank filling stations, 18,000 kilometres of main Carla Morais Quality Manager for the Northern Cluster contract in Saudi Arabia I N T E R V I E W pipelines, 14 wastewater treatment plants and 7,000 kilometres of sewerage networks. Tell us a bit more about your work experience. How long have you been with the company? How long have you been in this service? What has been your career path? I have been working for Aqualia since January 2023. I decided to join this Northern Cluster project in Saudi Arabia after 20 years working for the same company in Portugal. During this period I have worked in water supply, sanita- tion, water safety plans, water and sewerage laboratories and risk management. I also supported my colleagues in the field when there was a contingency related to water supply or sanitation, helping them to find the best technical solution. Could you tell us a bit more about the work you do? What is your day- to-day life like? My work is related to water supply, sewerage and risk management. I am usually very busy and have a lot of things to do. Sometimes in the office, sometimes in the lab, sometimes in the field - I never get bored! What technological challenges have you encountered in Arabia? And in terms of team manage- ment, how does the local spirit and philosophy influence the way you work? What has the cultural immersion in Arabia been like? The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has state-of-the-art technology in its water and sewerage activities, but the difference in management is enormous. The culture is different and adaptation is necessary, as in all international jobs. In the Middle East there are cultural differences, especially for women, and we have to adapt, you know: “In Rome, be- have like a Roman”. Saudi Arabia is now opening up to the world and people are very friendly and welco- ming, especially in the north, you just have to respect their culture. The ultimate aim of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s government cluster programme is to encourage priva - te sector participation in the coun - try’s water and sanitation mana- gement and to improve efficiency across the board. How do you see the consortium optimising the ma - nagement and pursuing the social, environmental and economic sus - tainability of the entire water cycle in this vast northern region of Sau- di Arabia? Saudi Arabia already has a lot of technology. They just need a few experts in different areas to su- pport them in taking action in their organisation. Aqualia will play a very important role in the Nor- thern Cluster as the team is made up of senior professionals from the water supply, sanitation and environment sector. P E O P L E 32 P E O P L E