We are FCC N28

Malaga Metro installations is often needed, especially when there are projects in which many people participate, with very diverse opinions. As a woman, what is the biggest difficulty you have faced in your working life? Perhaps some insecurity, perhaps because we often demand too much of ourselves in order to feel more confident and capable of the position we are leading, in a mostly male en- vironment. What are the biggest challenges you have had to face in the pro - jects you have led? One of my biggest challenges has been learning to manage and carry out tasks of a very diverse nature. In the end, you adapt to the job or type of work assigned to you at any given moment; at each stage you learn new things, but there are also new problems that need to be solved. Peer support is very important in these cases and I have been fortu- nate to have a great team of people around me. The engineering sector has un - dergone a great evolution in re- cent years. What changes do you think are the most significant? In relation to the general evolution of the engineering sector, we are mo- ving towards where the revolution of new technologies is taking us. Little by little we are becoming more and more digitalised, using the new tools that are being presented to us to faci- litate and simplify in some way all the steps involved in executing a project. An example of this is the speed with which the BIM methodology is being implemented in many of our projects, making us a pioneering company in innovation within the sector. The engineering of the future begins by adapting to new technologies and integrating them into our working methods. Although it is often not easy for us, I think that this should be the objective, we have to be awa- re that those who do not evolve, do not advance... With regard to the incorporation of women in the sector, I think that we have evolved quite a lot, there are no longer so few women in engineering and I hope that there will be many more... I think that the mentality is changing, although we still have a long way to go. More and more, we are becoming part of the work teams like any other member, without any issues outside the work environment, and this is noticeable in the daily dealings be- tween colleagues. P E O P L E 30 P E O P L E