We are FCC N28

Why did you decide to pursue a career in engineering? The truth is that I have always been a scientist; I like numbers, physics, chemistry and drawing and, above all, I like real things, problems and solutions that may initially be ideas, but that in the end become tangible projects that can make life easier and better for all of us; in short, a re- sults-oriented way of working. Do you want to send a message to all women who are studying engi- neering? I would tell them not to look at their surroundings, not to be bothered by the feeling of being in the mino- rity, but to let themselves be carried away by their desire to learn and get to know this world and they will be capable of anything they set their minds to. I also encourage women to study technical careers, we have a lot to contribute to the sector. I think that by finding a balance between men and women, in which each brings their natural skills, we will be closer to achieving real equality. Can you tell us what your day-to- day life is like? What is the most difficult thing to manage? Well, my day-to-day life is non-stop, although I suppose it is like that of all my colleagues in the profession. In the morning, before I leave the hou- se, I take part in organising my family and then I start with work and con- tinue organising... this time at work. As a mother of two young children, I try to plan as best I can to get as many tasks done as possible, both personal and professional. Anyway, I have to say that I don’t believe in Ana María Sánchez is a member of the works team for the “Málaga Metro installations” project. the concept of “superwoman”, I am lucky to have a husband and a family in which we are a team, we all su- pport each other and that allows us to move towards our goals. On the other hand, in terms of wor- king hours, for some time now I have had a reduced working day that allows me to get home a little earlier, so I can get more involved in the edu- cation and development of my chil- dren, now that they are still young. What is your role as site manager in the projects you have developed? My role is to achieve the results and meet the objectives of the project, achieving the satisfaction of the client and of course of my company, as well as serving as a link between the client of the work/maintenance and my production colleagues; super- vising the purchasing and planning of the work, dealing with suppliers, economic and technical control of the work; in short, resolving the cha- llenges of a project and taking the necessary steps to achieve the best technical and economic results. As a project manager, do you think that women have a different way of managing and leading projects? In my opinion, if there is one thing that can characterise us, even if it sounds a bit cliché, I think it could be organisation. I think that, by nature, women have a very good organisa- tional capacity. On the other hand, as a general rule, we also stand out as mediators and perhaps we have that “left hand” that P E O P L E 29 P E O P L E