We are FCC N28

FCC Medio Ambiente has one of the most outstan- ding projects in the field of employment integration of people with disabilities called FCC Equal Special Em- ployment Centre (CEE). FCC Equal currently emplo- ys more than 600 people with disabilities throughout Spain. It is dedicated to the full management and execution of Special Employment Centres (CEE) and the provision of auxiliary services for people with disa- bilities. In addition to the group’s own internal work, FCC supports and works with specialised entities, or- ganisations and foundations, whose social purpose is the social and labour integration of people with disa- bilities, as well as the improvement of their health and safety conditions. In this way, it not only seeks to offer job opportunities to people with disabilities, but also to provide them with skills, abilities and competencies for their professional development in the company. FCC Equal Special Employment Centre These boys and girls not only carry out social and environmental work, but also demonstrate their ability, their talent and their passion for their work and for nature. These people are an example of self-improvement, integration and contribution to so- ciety, who deserve the recognition and support of all. Their work not only helps to maintain the park, but also improves their quality of life and self-esteem. Training class at the Parque de Plata y Castañar, Madrid. P E O P L E 25 P E O P L E