We are FCC N28

Example of work integration Parks are places that offer us tranqui - llity and harmony, but behind these green landscapes, there are people who are in charge of keeping them in good condition. The boys and girls of FCC Equal carry out the gardening work that Pradolongo Park needs on a daily basis to maintain its facilities. Depending on the state of the gar- dens, the workers carry out different tasks such as mowing, weeding, trimming the lawns, cleaning, dig- ging, weeding, planting, pruning and watering. been offered to them in any other company. In addition, Luis told us ex- citedly: “For me it is a luxury to work in this company”. Agustín is a gardening enthusiast. When asked what he liked most about his job at FCC, he replied: “This job is my life, I love gardening and this park gives me a living”. He also told us how, throughout his life, he has learned to work and deal with people, to which he added this reflection: “The main thing in a job is always the human relationship and motivation is also fundamental, I like what I do”. Álvaro is the youngest member of this working group, a lover of history and also a gardening enthusiast like his colleague Agustín. During the visit we heard some of their stories, challenges and achie- vements, and how their work contri- butes to the wellbeing of the commu- nity and the environment. Luis, Alfonso and Paco were excited to tell us how important it is for them to do their work, to be responsible and above all to be consistent. They recognised that the opportunity FCC has given them to work had never As could not be otherwise, the ac- tivity he likes to do most is plan- ting. Then, he told us that the park of Pradolongo was formerly a rub- bish dump. Plata y Castañar Park We also had the opportunity to talk to another group of boys and girls from FCC Equal CEE who work in the Pla- ta y Castañar park in Madrid, and we were able to see how they received a training class that day. Diego and Pablo, the youngest members of this group, were excited to tell us that the team has a very welcoming atmos- phere, and there is also a lot of moti- vation. On the other hand, Nelly, one of the girls in the group, smiled and made a positive hand signal when we asked her about the relationship with the rest of her colleagues. Agustín, who is very motivated by the gardening work. They are Nelly, Diego, Pablo, Víctor and Antonio, the working group of the Parque Plata y Castañar, Madrid. Álvaro, the youngest gardener at Pradolongo Park, with Sandra García, Service Manager. P E O P L E 24 P E O P L E