We are FCC N28

22 years in the Pradolongo Park FCC Medio Ambiente has been pre- sent in this park for more than 20 years. The first contract was awarded in 2001 and since then, the contract has been renewed; the last one in 2021 for four years and a possible extension of one more year. A total of 18 people from FCC Medio Ambiente work in these gardens, 11 of whom belong to the project for the integration of disabled people in the workplace. The selection process through FCC Equal has two fundamental steps: analysis of the job position of the candidates. CVs are received throu- gh three channels: publication of job offers on the job portal, through the city council or through collaboration with foundations. Afterwards, the job position is studied in order to carry out a selection process of the candi- dates and see if they need any kind of adaptation, which is managed by the Special Employment Centre’s Support Unit. Pradolongo Park is the main green lung of the District of Usera and one of the most representative parks in Madrid with a surface area of 60 hectares, one of the five largest in the capital. This large green area is home to tree species such as the Si- berian elm, pines, sopores, robinias, celtis and fraxinus. This forest area was built in the early 1980s, and its design is structured around three large axes that con- verge in the central area and lead to a 30,000 m 2 lake. It also has a bo- tanical path that crosses the entire park with a length of 2.5 kilometres, a small botanical garden made up of exotic and representative species of Madrid’s gardening, an interpretation centre for exhibitions, environmen- tal activities and musical concerts held in the old ruins of the recently renovated Maris Stella Church. The park is also a strategic point in the celebration of the district’s festivities in June, which attract thousands of people. Luis, Alfonso, Paco, Agustín and Álvaro work in the park. All of them expressed their satisfaction with the opportunity FCC has offered them, a job that has made it easier for them to integrate into the workplace. With this type of action, the company su- pports the importance of naturalising and normalising the work of people with disabilities; the triumph belongs to all of us. In addition, we also had the oppor- tunity to meet Nelly, Pablo, Antonio and Diego, another group of workers who were giving a training class, but in the Parque de Plata y Castañar, in the district of Villaverde, Madrid. FCC Medio Ambiente also collabora- tes with the training programmes of different foundations, offering them the opportunity to carry out the in- ternships for their training courses at FCC. In this case, the internships last as long as the programme stipulates, giving them the opportunity to beco- me part of the workforce once they have finished. If they access through a job offer, the first weeks the support team is in charge of training the wor- kers in situ in both work and personal skills for their adaptation to the job. Normally, the workers receive re- gular and constant training courses adapted by the technical staff in charge of occupational risk preven- tion and the person in charge at a te- chnical level, depending on the tasks they are going to carry out. The aim of this training is to ensure that the workers feel comfortable and deve- lop the necessary confidence to use the different work tools. Luis, Alfonso and Paco, gardeners at Pradolongo Park. P E O P L E 23 P E O P L E