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Aqualia’s new Innovation Centre for the complete water cycle makes Salamanca an international benchmark for “green technology” water Aqualia’s Director of Innovation and Technology; and Pedro Rodrí - guez Medina, Aqualia’s Director of Operations and Technology, inau - gurated the new facilities and tou - red the WWTP together with the Mayor of Salamanca, Carlos Gar - cía Carbayo. The mayor stressed that “this international initiative, co-financed with European funds and led by Aqualia, fits perfectly with the complementary econo - mic model for the city that the city council is promoting, based on knowledge, the bio-health industry and the green economy”. Commitment to green technology and a sustainable environment The inauguration of the new centre marks the start-up at the WWTP of national and international projects that will enable the generation of re - newable hydrogen, biomethane and other bioproducts (bioplastics, ferti - lisers, etc.) from biowaste from the region’s industries. Prestigious or - ganisations are collaborating in the project, including universities and research and technology centres. In fact, it already hosts the national project ECLOSION, for the gene - ration of renewable hydrogen and Aqualia and the Salamanca City Council have inaugurated a new Innovation Centre for the Com- plete Water Cycle located at the city’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The new facilities will develop innovative solutions that address current and future cha- llenges towards a sustainable in - tegrated water cycle, guaranteeing the quality of drinking water and a decarbonised wastewater mana- gement system that allows the true value of water to be obtained. A delegation from Aqualia, led by Juan Carlos Rey Fraile, Aqua - lia’s Area Director; Frank Rogalla, Group photo of the inauguration of the new Innovation Centre. B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S 18