We are FCC N28

Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, chairwoman of FCC, receives Business Leader of the Year Award From left to right, Fernando Pastor, director of La Información; Marisa Navas, president of La Información; Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, Chairwoman of FCC; and Fernando de Yarza, president of the HENNEO Group. The chairwoman of the FCC Group, Esther Alcocer Koplowitz, recei- ved the Business Leader of the Year Award, presented annually by LaInformacion.com, the Henneo Group’s economic digital newspa - per, from the chairman of the Hen- neo Group, Fernando de Yarza, and the chairwoman of La Informa- ción, Marisa Navas, at a ceremony held at the Rafael del Pino Founda - tion in Madrid. Esther Alcocer Koplowitz thanked the Henneo Group and La Informa- ción for giving her this leadership award. “It is an award that I am ha - ppy and excited to accept on behalf of each and every one of the people who make up the FCC Group, be- cause they are the ones who have made it possible. Without them, FCC would be just a chimera and not one of the great leaders in the sector after more than 120 years of activity in more than 25 countries”. In his speech, she also dedicated the award to his mother, Esther Ko- plowitz, her main inspiration and point of reference, “when in 2013, I took over the presidency of the Group, I set out to follow the path initiated by my main inspiration and point of reference: my mother, to whom I would like to dedicate this award in particular”. She also wished to highlight the persistence of the people who make up FCC, their passion for things well done, and the attention and care given to the people who make up the different businesses. The company’s chairwoman ended her speech by stressing that “what will always sustain companies will be those leaders who have the abi- lity to translate a vision into a reali- ty and who know, above all, how to instil hope in times of crisis”. These awards are presented an- nually and recognise those busi - nessmen and entrepreneurs who, through their daily efforts and by acting ethically, sustainably and F C C G R O U P 14 F C C G R O U P