We are FCC N28

FCC receives the Community of Madrid ONCE Social Group Solidarity Award 2023 The ONCE Social Group has awar- ded the FCC Group’s solidarity in the Company category for promoting social projects aimed at reducing as - pects such as inequality, poverty and the risk of social exclusion. The award was presented in the au- ditorium of the Sanchinarro Cultural Centre in Madrid, during the ONCE Madrid 2023 Social ONCE Group Solidarity Gala. The FCC Group’s corporate human resources manager, Ramona Fer - nández Kelly, accepted the award. On behalf of all the people who make up the FCC Group, Ramona Fernán - dez Kelly thanked the ONCE Social Awards Ceremony for the Community of Madrid ONCE Social Group Solidarity Award 2023. Group and the panel of judges for ha - ving given the company this award. In her speech Fernández Kelly em- phasised that “we are being rewar - ded for doing something that we un - derstand to be inherent to the social commitment of any self-respecting company: being supportive, promo - ting, through our different lines of business, projects aimed at reducing inequality or the risk of social exclu- sion in the communities in which we work”. At the same time, she added that “this award, in addition to being a source of pride, is a huge incen - tive for us to continue working and striving for a fairer, more inclusive world in which equal opportunities are a reality”. The FCC Group, through its different lines of business, carries out pro- grammes to promote social develop - ment, culture, sport and health care. FCC shows a clear commitment to the integration of people with disabi - lities in the workplace, as a key ele- ment for social integration and per - sonal improvement. It collaborates with specialised organisations that advise on recruitment management and support for people with disabili- ties and/or at risk of social exclusion. F C C G R O U P 12 F C C G R O U P