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Don Felipe after the presentation of the award to Carlos Slim. Carlos Slim, during his speech of gratitude. Since 2014 This award recognises, since 2014, business figures from the Ibero-American community who stand out for their relevant and extraordinary contribution to the development of the countries in the region and the promotion of ties between the nations of the Community through economic activity, investment and trade promotion, as well as the forging of a more socially inclusive and sustainable region. The distinction is also a recog - nition and tribute to the figure of Enrique V. Iglesias, Honorary President of CEAPI and tireless fighter for the Ibero-American cause during his long career, first as President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and later as the first Ibero-American Secre - tary General (SEGIB). The King presented the 9th Enrique V. Iglesias Award for the development of the Ibero-American Business Space to the engineer Carlos Slim Helú, chosen unani - mously by the jury for his contribution to economic and business growth, the generation of employment and the rapprochement of relations between the countries of Ibero-America, always placing value on people. He also highlighted “the great social work carried out by the Carlos Slim Foundation with its employment, training, health, environmental, sports and cultural programmes, among other areas, which for more than three decades have improved the quality of life of millions of people in Mexico and throughout Latin America”. The ceremony took place at the Zarzuela Palace and was attended by former Prime Minister Felipe González; the Ibero-American Secretary General, Andrés Alla- mand; and the President of the Business Council Alliance for Ibero-America (CEAPI) and secretary of the jury, Nú - ria Vilanova. After the reading of the minutes of the IX Enrique V. Iglesias Award for the development of the Ibero-Ame - rican Business Space, the King presented the award to Carlos Slim, who addressed a few words of thanks, concluding with a brief meeting of Don Felipe with the attendees. The King presents engineer Carlos Slim with the 9th Enrique V. Iglesias Award for the development of the Ibero-American Business Space F C C G R O U P 11 F C C G R O U P