Somos FCC N27

The Spanish Royal National Academy of Me- dicine (RANME) yesterday awarded the Me- dal of Honour to Esther Koplowitz, Spanish businesswoman, philanthropist and aristo- crat. The President of the RANME, Profes- sor Eduardo Díaz-Rubio, was in charge of personally awarding her this distinction in the framework of a scientific session held at its headquarters in Madrid. The businesswoman has been awarded for her contribution to medicine and biomedical research, activities that she carries out mainly through the Esther Koplowitz Foundation, set up in 1995 with the aim of helping people with physical and mental disabilities, as well as the elderly without resources and other disadvan- taged groups. Her organisation also aims to protect children and young people, the social reintegration of people without resources and the granting of scholarships and aid for education. Professor Pedro Guillén García, full member of the RANME, underlined the importance and transcendence of the Koplowitz Founda- tion’s charitable actions, as “they are a real sti- mulus for our society because they contribute to the cultural, health, innovative, research and social elevation of the Spanish people”. He also highlighted the Foundation’s extraor- dinary commitment to supporting research in multiple disciplines, including the donation of surgical equipment such as the Da Vinci robot delivered in 2006 to the Hospital Clínico San Carlos. The Esther Koplowitz Foundation was institutionalised in 1995 and has as its objectives the dedication to the elderly, people without resources, care for peo- ple with physical and mental disabilities, the focus on biomedical research, and the granting of scholarships in order to improve the quality of life of thousands of people. Esther Koplowitz receives the Medal of Honour for her contribution to medicine and biomedical research Esther Koplowitz Foundation F C C G R O U P 7 F C C G R O U P