Somos FCC N27

g In 2022, it was awarded, in two con- sortiums with Saudi service compa- nies, the management of water and sanitation in the so-called South and North Clusters of the country, two of the six administrative units into which the country was divided for outsourced management of wa- ter services. In total, with these two contracts, the company manages water supply and sanitation in eight Saudi regions (with a surface area larger than Spain) with a population of more than eight million inhabi- tants. Aqualia is also currently managing the affected services of the ca - pital’s metro works in Saudi Ara- bia, also implemented by the FCC Group, and has operated and main- tained the Hadda and Arana was- tewater treatment plants in the city of Mecca. At the beginning of 2020, Aqua- lia acquired 51% of the company HAAISCO (Haji Abdullah Alireza Integrated Services Ltd) from the Saudi group Haji Abdullah Alireza, which is responsible for the ope- ration and maintenance of seve- ral desalination plants in Arabia. Among them is the King Abdulaziz International Airport plant in Jed- dah, a concession of the Qatarat company, in which Aqualia also ac- quired 51% in the same operation. With these acquisitions, an alliance began that in a short time produced significant successes such as the award in 2021 in Jizán (southwest of the Kingdom) of the water supply to one of the main industrial com- plexes in Saudi Arabia. Aqualia also operates and maintains, through HAAISCO, two other desalination plants in Saudi Arabia: the KAUST University reverse osmosis seawa- ter desalination plant, located in Thuwal, which produces 52,250 m³ daily. It also manages for Aram - co-Sumitomo the MED (multi-effect distillation) desalination plant in Rabigh, with a daily production of 10,000 m³. Aqualia has been working in the Middle East since 2011 I N N O V A T I O N 55 I N N O V A T I O N