Somos FCC N27

Aqualia has just won the contract for the ope- ration and maintenance of three floating and mobile desalination plants that will each pro- duce 50,000 m3 of desalinated water per day. The contract, awarded by Bahri, Saudi Ara- bia’s national shipping company, will see the first of the three facilities come into operation in mid-July, at a special berth at Yanbu, some 350 kilometres north of Jeddah (on the Red Sea coast). The facility will serve more than 700,000 people. The facilities will be brought into operation gradually. The duration of the contract is three years, extendable for a further two years from the entry into operation of the last of them, in the summer of 2024. These three plants, which will form a flexible supply of water re - sources to meet fluctuating demands for fresh water, will serve more than 700,000 people according to the needs of the moment. The challenge of operating three floating desalination plants in Saudi Arabia Yanbu pier, Saudi Arabia. The three plants will form a flexible endowment of water resources that, thanks to their mobility, will be used to meet specific demands I N N O V A T I O N I N N O V A T I O N 54