Somos FCC N27

Cementos Portland Valderrivas launches the Supplier Channel With this digital platform, suppliers will be able to electronically resolve issues such as the status of an in- voice, the due date, the composition of the amount of payment remittan- ces received, the volume of transac- tions and data modifications. How did the need for a supplier service platform arise? In 2007, the Systems, Sales and Mar- keting Department implemented the online sales service, a platform de- signed so that customers can interact with us without timetables from a mo- bile device and obtain their invoices, delivery notes, balances and quality certificates electronically. Currently, more than 500 customers operate with us through this platform with an ave- rage of more than 40 queries per day. What is the provider’s portal expec- ted to achieve? What services will it provide? The Supplier Channel was crea - ted with the idea of streamlining the administrative tasks of the Ac- counts Payable Area and providing a better service to our suppliers. A large part of the day-to-day work of the accounts payable and tre- asury departments is devoted to answering their queries, from the status of an invoice, the due date, the composition of the amount of payment remittances received, the volume of operations and data mo- difications. From June, through this channel, our suppliers can resolve these is- sues electronically and without ti- metables, optimising their procedu- res and allowing our collaborators to take on value-added functions. We understand that this service may be complemented in the future with additional information that may be useful and interesting for other areas of the group. What teams were involved in the design, development and launch of the portal? How long did it take? The channel is a tool developed joint- ly by the Systems, Treasury and Ac- counts Payable areas over approxi- mately five months, including user testing and ethical hacking. What are the benefits to the group of investing in digital transforma- tion of services? This project is a further step towards the digitalisation of our business processes: ■ For suppliers, it generates impro- vements by having a communica- tion channel with structured infor- mation available 24x7. ■ For our company, the Channel allows us to respond automatica- lly to most supplier queries and, in case of questions, to manage and follow up directly on the portal. I N T E R V I E W Corporate Director of Administration, Finance and Systems of GCPV María José Aguado I N N O V A T I O N I N N O V A T I O N 52