Somos FCC N27

FCC Industrial wins contract to build 263 MW of solar installations in Spain Photovoltaic installations in the town of Guillena, Seville. Spain, a benchmark for sustainability and renewable energy TotalEnergies has awarded FCC Industrial the contract to build 263 MW of solar installations. The pho- tovoltaic plants will be installed in the town of Guillena (Seville), oc- cupying an area of approximately 400 hectares. This contract has an investment of more than 200 mi- llion euro and a completion period of one year. “Our company has made a firm commitment to promoting renewa- ble energy in Spain and the start of work on these projects in Guillena is a major step forward in achie- ving our objectives and those of the country. We continue to conso- During the construction of the photovoltaic facilities, declared of strategic interest by the Andalusian Regional Government, more than 800 direct and indirect jobs will be created over the next 12 months. In addition, TotalEnergies has signed a collaboration agreement with the Guillena Town Council to promote employment and the socio-eco- nomic development of the area, thanks to which a vocational trai- ning programme has already been carried out aimed at incorporating local labour. The photovoltaic installations, located in the Seville town of Guillena, have been declared of strategic interest by the Andalusian regional government. lidate Spain’s leadership in Europe as a benchmark in the field of sus- tainability and clean energy,” said Yago Mancebo Ferreiro, CEO of TotalEnergies Renovables Ibérica. The award will enable the cons- truction of five plants, Postigo, Ar- botante, Pilastra, La Noria and La Carrascosa, which will have a total of around 400,000 665Wp bifa- cial photovoltaic modules. Once in operation, they will generate enou- gh electricity to cover the estima- ted annual consumption of more than 150,000 homes, avoiding the emission of some 140,000 tonnes of CO 2 into the atmosphere. The transformation process from direct current to alternating current will have 210 inverters and the energy will be evacuated via a 9.5 kilo- metre overhead line to the inter- connection point at the promoters’ substation. C O M M U N I T I E S 50 C O M M U N I T I E S