Somos FCC N27

When a stroke is suspected, it is important to go to a hospital as a matter of urgency. Rapid action within the first four hours is essential to avoid complica - tions, reduce sequelae or death. The analysis of the cardiovascular accident is based on an assessment by the specialist and the perfor - mance of tests using neuroimaging techniques (CT or brain MRI), as well as different complementary tests to be able to determine the treatment, both sur- gical and pharmacological. Finally, depending on the sequelae, rehabilitation treatment with physiotherapy will be necessary to restore mobility of the affected parts or cognitive re - habilitation. ■ Follow a balanced diet. ■ No smoking. ■ Regular and moderate physical exercise. ■ Avoid stress. ■ Monitor cholesterol and blood pressure regularly. ■ Maintain a healthy weight. ■ Know the warning signs to identify a stroke. Stroke symptoms Diagnosing a stroke and what is its treatment ? Sudden loss of strength or sensation of numbness or paralysis of the face, arm or leg. Sudden alteration of speech, difficulty in expressing oneself or articulating meaningful sentences. Feeling of dizziness or unsteadiness in walking or standing. Sudden confusion, disorientation or loss of consciousness Loss of vision in one eye, double vision, or visual field. Very severe headache different from the usual headache, although in most cases stroke does not cause pain. Vomiting, nausea and dizziness. Stroke prevention tips W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S 49