Somos FCC N27

Stroke is a sudden disruption of blood flow in the brain. This interruption or decrease in blood flow can be due to various causes, such as a blockage of an artery or blood vessel (ischaemic stroke) or a rupture (haemorrhagic stroke), which means that oxygen cannot reach the nerve cells in the affected area, causing them to die within a few minutes. For this reason, response time is so important, as every minute that passes reduces recovery, and it is one of the most important causes of permanent disability in adults and the leading cause of death in women. It is an acute illness that appears suddenly, due to various causes, and affects the brain, compromising one or more functions, both cognitive, sensory and motor. About 30% of people may have short-lived symptoms prior to stroke. What is a stroke and how to prevent it? W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S 48