Somos FCC N27

FCC Running Club The FCC Running Club offers specialised coaching and planned training sessions with face-to-face sessions de - pending on your level and personal goals. Online coaching is also available to help participants achieve their goals. After this first season, the club has more than 120 partici - pants in all modalities, with two face-to-face groups with one hour of training per week, as well as two training ses - sions to practice independently, adapted to the objectives and needs of each person. The online group receives plans adapted and channelled to objectives and divided into four different levels, from beginners to advanced. Members of the FCC Running Club have taken part in three events: the Heart Race, the Companies’ Race and the Wings For Life World Run. Big Business Football League More than 150 companies and 5,000 players participate in this league that has been organised in Madrid since 2009, which is divided into five tournaments that are held from September to June with leagues by levels and a final phase. The FCC Group has been present with a team made up of workers from different business areas for more than se - ven years and aims to promote sport and camaraderie be - yond the work environment, creating bonds of friendship, respect and teamwork. FCC Group football team. Participants from the FCC Group Running Club in the Heart Race. W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S 47