Somos FCC N27

El Porcal, owned by Cementos Port - land Valderrivas, has recently been included in the catalogue of wetlands of the Community of Madrid, gaining more relevance as a privileged space in the region. On 22 June, officials from the Re - gional Ministry of the Environment, invited by Luis Del Olmo, Director Ge - neral of Biodiversity of the CAM, met there together with experts from the Grefa organisation and the corporate management of the Cementos Port - land Valderrivas Group. On a day in favour of European biodiversity, they released specimens of the European pond turtle, one of the most endan - gered species in the region, which is in a critical situation. The purpose of these releases is to strengthen the populations, while at the same time removing the American pond turtles, a very aggressive invasive species that is destroying the native species and competing with them for resour - ces and space. Endangered native species The Porcal has been chosen be - cause its habitat has the necessary characteristics required by European freshwater turtles to thrive. It reaches a size of up to 38 centimetres in its adult stage and needs waterlogged areas, this being its natural habitat. This new species joins the 251 other types of vertebrates that coexist in this environment: 206 are birds, 21 mammals, 10 reptiles, seven amphi - bians and another seven fish. According to studies, the current population of European pond turtles in the Community of Madrid is be - tween 350 and 700 adult animals, with the majority in the Sierra de Guadarrama. The Group collabo - rates with public administrations by supporting this type of initiatives aimed at protecting and preserving our native species. Family photo with officials from the Regional Ministry of the Environment, experts from the Grefa organisation and the corporate management of the Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group. Release of European freshwater turtles in the El Porcal Lagoons S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 44 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y