Somos FCC N27

There are many more fields in which FCC Construcción has established an environmental strategy, within that of sustainability, which make it an ambitious and speci - fic strategy to reduce its impact on the environment. The company is aware of the problem that greenhouse gas emissions, the consumption of energy and natural resour - ces, the generation of waste and the pollution of air and water, among others, represent for today’s world and is firmly determined to contribute to alleviating and impro - ving the state of the environment in these areas, providing the service that, on the other hand, and with the social and economic components on the other hand, we are obliged to provide. Through measures such as improving energy efficiency, promoting renewable energies, proper waste manage - ment and the implementation of responsible practices in all phases of the project, FCC Construcción is moving towards a more sustainable model and laying the foun - dations for a more environmentally friendly future in the construction sector and, therefore, on the planet. FCC CONSTRUCCIÓN’S CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY Strong commitment to sustainability S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 43 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y