Somos FCC N27

ghout the construction industry and maximise the positive impact on the environment. Waste and water management Another important environmental challenge facing FCC Construcción is waste management. Construction generates large quantities of waste, although most of it is not hazardous to the environment and human health. FCC Construcción has undertaken to implement the Zero Waste methodology in all the company’s projects by drawing up a waste management guide that must be complied with by 2026. The reduction of waste generated involves promoting the reuse and recycling of materials on its sites. This involves separating waste at source and its subsequent treatment for reuse or recycling. By promoting circular economy practices, FCC Construcción contributes to reducing the extraction of natural resources and the generation of waste, which, once again, not only results in a smaller environmental footprint but also in economic results from both savings in waste management and the smaller amount of natural resources required. In addition, the company is also working with its suppliers to ensure that the materials used in its works are more sustainable and generate less waste. It is promoting the use of recyclable and recycled materials in its projects, thus closing the life cycle of materials and minimising the environmental impact associated with their production and disposal. Water management is another im - portant environmental challenge facing FCC Construcción. Construc - tion is responsible for 12% of the world’s water consumption, accor - ding to IPCC data. Aware of this, the company will undertake to calculate its water footprint in all its projects and has set targets for reducing wa - ter consumption. To achieve this objective, FCC Cons - trucción is implementing measures to promote the efficient use of water in all phases of the project. This in - volves the use of more efficient tech - nologies, such as intelligent irrigation systems and low water consumption equipment, recovery of runoff wa - ter or water from washing concrete tanks and troughs or cooling water from tunnel headings. Work is also being carried out with suppliers to ensure that the materials used in their works are more sustainable and have less impact on water resources. S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 42 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y