Somos FCC N27

With the intention of publicly reinfor- cing the value of its commitment to the United Nations 2030 Agenda, the FCC Group joins the #ODSfortheflag campaign launched by UN Global Compact Spain. The campaign is part of the international initiative #Togetherforthesdgs promoted by the UN Global Compact in which se- veral countries around the world are participating. The aim of the campaign is for different global actors to demons - trate their commitment to the Sustaina- ble Development Goals (SDGs) at the halfway point of their implementation. In this way, the Sustainable Deve- lopment Goals (SDGs) flag stands as a powerful emblem, representing the commitment to a sustainable and prosperous future for all. A gesture independent of nationality, affiliation or position, which seeks to synchronise efforts and goals, uni - ting a commitment far greater than all that separates us. A flag that encou - rages us to move forward together. FCC Group joins the #ODSForFlag campaign promoted by the UN Global Compact Spain FCC’s commitment to the SDGs By raising this flag, FCC is commi - tted to achieving results, prioritising the well-being of people and the pla- net. In this sense, a series of commit- ments and good practices have been established in line with its business strategy and ESG (Environment, So- cial and Governance) criteria. The FCC Group has been a member of the United Nations Global Com- pact since 7 May 2007, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initia- tive. Since the approval of the 2030 Agenda in 2015, the company has worked to align its corporate mana - gement with the Sustainable Deve- lopment Goals, where it finds new business opportunities, improves relations with its stakeholders and promotes innovation. With this type of action, the UN Glo- bal Compact Spain and its partners seek to contribute to the 2030 Agen - da and its 17 Sustainable Develop- ment Goals, a task that, seven years away from its deadline and with many goals still to be met, is essential. The aim of the #ODSFlag campaign is for different global actors to demonstrate their commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the halfway point of their lifespan. F C C G R O U P 4 F C C G R O U P