Somos FCC N27

The preservation of natural resour - ces is mobilising governments, insti - tutions, companies and civil society, which are committed to sustainabili - ty as a brake on environmental de - terioration. The challenge of being sustainable is a global one, and to address it, it is necessary to raise awareness of these levers of action throughout society. This idea gave rise to the Aqua - dictionary, an educational tool that aims to provide training in this area in an entertaining and simple way and through social networks. Aqua - lia provides users with this dictio - nary of sustainable terms, which ex - plains what sustainability is and how it is linked to water management, because green change is not possi - ble without blue change. The aim is to turn the Aquadictio - nary into a virtual learning repository on Instagram, the social network on which it was created, from which to share information on sustainability in a language accessible to all audiences. Each week, through Instagram sto - ries, the Aquadictionary will ask users questions about the definition of a specific word. The correspon - ding term will then be explained and added to the sustainable vocabulary repository. The stories will be conver - ted into posts, turning the profile into #Aquadictionary: sustainability made more accessible on Instagram a library of sustainable terms where the user can access each word. Transmitting knowledge Aqualia contributes to its commit - ment to the 2030 Agenda in its va - rious aspects of impact: guarantee - ing an affordable and high quality water and sanitation service (SDG 6), optimising its energy balance (SDG 7) and avoiding its impact on the climate (SDG 12) through res - ponsible production and consump - tion (SDG 13). These objectives include raising awareness of the scarcity of the re - source and transmitting responsible consumption habits. The Aquadictio - nary initiative is in addition to Aqua - lia’s other educational measures such as the Sosteniblómetro, the sustainable habits meter that the Aqualia presents the Aquadictionary, an educational glossary to educate and raise public awareness about sustainability through this social network. S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 38 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y