Somos FCC N27

What is your assessment of the- se 16 years of 016 management? Every day I reaffirm that this servi - ce saves lives, that we are the ga - teway, the first link in a long chain, to begin to know how to get out of a situation of violence, to know what the steps are going to be, and what the possible alternatives are. The balance is very positive, be- cause the service attends, informs and advises hundreds of people every day, people who need atten - tion, guidance and support. If this service were not there, perhaps many questions would remain unanswered and many women would not dare to take that step, which the service facilitates, be - cause of its anonymous and con- fidential nature. For all the people behind it, working hard to combat violence. Has the profile of callers chan - ged? We cannot and should not talk about profiles, because it is impos - sible to create one. People call, women and people from all walks of life. It is true that thanks to the growing awareness of the service, we are receiving more and more calls from women, professionals, friends, neighbours, relatives and more and more women of all ages are calling and taking the big step of contacting the 016 Service. Do you think that the evolution of new technologies will change the ways of communicating with the 016 service? Do you have any projects in development? The ways of communicating with the 016 Service have already chan - ged, we are putting all the means to make communication accessi - ble through multiple channels, let us not forget that the 016 Service can not only be contacted by te- lephone (016), but also by email, by an online chat that is hosted on the website of the Government Delegation against gender violen- ce, we also attend 24 hours a day by WhastApp, and highlight that we attend in 53 languages. Not to mention that we also provide a service for people with sensory di - versity, and people who need to be assisted in sign language can also contact us. The service is constantly evolving to keep pace with the rest of so - ciety and the technologies that su- rround us. That is why the service has become a multi-channel and diverse service. So far this year, the number of women killed by gender violence has increased compared to 2022? These are chilling figures, is there a need for more awareness? Raising awareness is always neces - sary. Violence against women is an issue that concerns each and every one of us and that is why we must be aware... and that is why the dis - semination of the 016 service is so important. Violence against women continues to represent a complex problem and is a clear symptom that something is wrong and therefore we must do all we can to combat it. Are education and training key tools to eradicate gender-based violence? I firmly believe that it is. Education in equality is one of the bases for eliminating and combating violen- ce against women. Education is the great ally of equality and res- pect. Breaking down prejudices and inequalities should be a com- pulsory subject. How do you see us as a com- pany committed to combating gender-based violence? I believe that acts like the ones you are doing are essential to rai- se awareness throughout society that the fight against violence is everyone’s business. I thank you for publicising the 016 Service and congratulate you on your commit- ment to the fight against violence. Adriana Acevedo 016 Service Manager. Territorial Director of Atenzia I N T E R V I E W D I V E R S I T Y D I V E R S I T Y 35