Somos FCC N27

This week the 016 telephone number against gender violence is 16 years old. This service was launched on 4 September 2007, and to date has received a total of 1,198,534 calls, according to data from the statistical portal of the Government Delegation against Gender Violence. Likewise, we firmly believe that the fight against violence against women is a joint task of all social agents and that the sum of our efforts will mark the path to suc - cess. In this sense, FCC’s commitment is evident in the Government De- legation against gender violence, in the actions carried out by the company to raise awareness, in training and in the dissemination of the campaigns prepared by the institutions, organisations and as- sociations with which we collabo - rate so that they reach as many people as possible. FCC would like to thank 016 for the work carried out over the past 16 years in the fight against vio - lence against women. 016 is a service that assists, advi - ses, informs and helps women vic - tims and survivors of male violence and their families and friends. It is a free, confidential telephone num - ber that is also accessible to peo- ple with disabilities and offers legal and psychological assistance in 53 languages, 24 hours a day. In addition to the short dialling of the 016 number, the service is avai - lable through the WhatsApp appli - cation on the number 600 000 016, an online chat on the website of the Government Delegation against Gender Violence and the email FCC and its commitment to the Elimination of Violence Against Women At the FCC Group we demand equality between men and women and reject all acts of violence. 016 , the helpline for women victims of gender-based violence celebrates its 16th anniversary D I V E R S I T Y D I V E R S I T Y 34