Somos FCC N27

We have brought a new concept to the fore, which is Innodiversity. Innovation and diversity go hand in hand. One without the other is not sustainable A major challenge for companies in Spain is the management of eth- no-racial diversity. Although the Eu - ropean Commission has launched a strategy to combat racism, it is clear that we still face significant challen - ges compared to other European countries. It is essential to address this issue as a matter of urgency and to promote an inclusive culture that values and encourages diversity, not only in large companies, but also in SMEs. Small and medium-sized en - terprises, which are the main fabric of our country, must also commit to concrete measures, such as the implementation of inclusive recruit- ment policies, the promotion of di- versity in management teams and training in D&I. What are the main difficulties you encounter? Some of the main difficulties en - countered by the Diversity Foun- dation include resistance to change, lack of awareness of the benefits of diversity and inclusion, and the need to generate sustai- nable commitment from organisa- tions. In addition, measuring and evaluating progress on diversity can be challenging, as it involves the development of appropriate indicators and the collection of relevant data. Overcoming the- se difficulties requires a holistic approach that involves both bu- siness leaders and employees at all levels. Is diversity the future? It is the present simple and the pre- sent perfect. Without diversity we could not live. And this is also what nature says. When I was a child, I was told a story about a small wildflower, which had gone unno - ticed among the most conspicuous flowers, began to shine one day with a special colour. The other flowers realised that its true beauty lay in its uniqueness. It was then that they realised that there was no single flower that could be consi - dered the most beautiful. They rea- lised that it was the combination of all the shapes, colours and scents that made the garden truly special. Just like the flowers in the garden, human beings are also diverse and unique. Each of us has our own characteristics, cultures and experiences that make us spe - cial. Diversity is like a garden full of different flowers, where each of us brings our beauty and unique- ness to the world. By recognising and celebrating our diversity, we can create a more enriching and vibrant world. That is why diversity is the present. Like flowers in a garden, each of us is an essential part of the beau- ty and harmony of this world. Let us embrace and celebrate our di- versity, for it is in our difference that our true greatness lies. D I V E R S I T Y D I V E R S I T Y 32