Somos FCC N27

se work climate facilitates emplo - yee well-being, which translates into increased productivity and ta- lent retention. How has the concept of diversi- ty evolved in recent years? In recent years, the concept of di- versity has evolved significantly; traditionally, diversity was mainly associated with gender equality and the inclusion of people from different ethnic backgrounds. Today, however, the concept of di - versity has broadened to include a variety of dimensions, such as age, sexual orientation, disability, religious and political beliefs... but also skills and professional expe - riences. In addition, diversity is now understood as a comprehen - sive approach that goes beyond numerical representation, empha- sising inclusion, respect and equal opportunities for all people in the workplace. At Fundación Diversi - dad we have summarised these concepts in three types of diversity: demographic diversity, experien- tial diversity and, finally, cognitive diversity. Demographic diversity is that which is given to us by cir - cumstances beyond our control, by the fact of being born or by diffe - rent external circumstances (in our study we analysed women, disabi - lity, LGTBI+ and senior citizens). Experiential diversity consists of the differences that emerge from the experiences that each person has had in their human journey, including: education, work, friends - hips or hobbies that have allowed them to acquire different knowled - ge, skills and thus develop certain preferences and affiliations, as well as professional skills and abi - lities. Cognitive diversity is the sum of demographic diversity together with different lived experiences; which leads each human being to have a different mental map and, therefore, a unique interpretation of the world. How do you see Europe moving forward on equality and non-dis- crimination? Europe stands out as the most ad - vanced continent in terms of res- pecting and guaranteeing human rights. The European Union has es - tablished a very advanced legislati- ve framework in relation to the rights of women, the Roma population, the LGTBI+ community and peo- ple with disabilities, among others. However, it is important to recog - nise that there is a significant gap between established policies and their effective implementation. Re - grettably, across several European countries, setbacks can be obser - ved in this area, which is a cause for concern. Therefore, it cannot be taken for granted that everything is already secured, but it is essential to continue to promote awareness raising, training and other actions to further advance the protection of human rights in Europe. The European institutions have been making significant progress on equality and non-discrimination for many years. Many policies are promoted in favour of gender equa- lity, diversity and non-discrimination in the workplace. In addition, me - asures have been implemented to address gender gaps and promote the inclusion of minority groups. It is important that they continue to promote awareness, education and the implementation of inclusive practices to ensure equal opportu- nities and combat all forms of dis- crimination at all levels. At Fundación Diversidad, we co - llaborate with the European Com - mission in numerous actions. For example, we are part of the Euro - pean Platform of Diversity Charters, present in 26 countries, to promote inclusion in professional environ- ments. In addition, in Spain we have launched the European Diversity Month, an initiative that is celebrated in Europe every year throughout the month of May. What challenges and develop- ments in the area of diversity does the Foundation face? En primer lugar, busca promover una Firstly, it seeks to promote greater awareness of the importan - ce of diversity and inclusion in bu- siness and society at large. In ad- dition, it focuses on providing tools and resources to organisations to implement inclusive practices and measure their progress in this area, such as the unconscious bias cour- se. The Foundation also works to foster collaboration between com - panies, public bodies and other entities to promote diversity in all economic sectors. If an organisation promotes equity and equal opportunities, it contributes to improving people’s quality of life, and promotes social cohesion D I V E R S I T Y D I V E R S I T Y 31