Somos FCC N27

What is the most important va- lue of diversity for companies and individuals? The most important value of diver- sity for both companies and indivi- duals is the ability to create an in- clusive environment that promotes innovation, creativity and mutual respect. Diversity in terms of gen- der, age, ethnicity, sexual orienta- tion and different skills brings a wide range of perspectives, experiences and talents. This allows companies to access a wider variety of ideas and solutions, which in turn boosts competitiveness and business suc- cess. Furthermore, if an organisa- tion promotes fairness and equal opportunities, it contributes to im- proving people’s quality of life and promotes social cohesion. Does diversity lead to better bu- siness performance? Yes, a number of studies and bu- siness experiences show that di - Anna Maria Hurtado Lopo I N T E R V I E W versity is closely linked to better business performance. By having diverse teams, companies can approach challenges from different perspectives, which facilitates more informed and effective decision-ma - king. Diversity also fosters creativity and innovation by encouraging colla- boration and the exchange of ideas among people with diverse back - grounds and experiences. In addition, a diverse workforce better reflects customers and consumers, enabling companies to understand and meet their needs more effectively. At Fun - dación Diversidad, in collaboration with Fundación IE, we have brought a new concept to the forefront, which is Innodiversity. Innovation and diver- sity go hand in hand. One without the other is not sustainable. Does working in diverse envi- ronments enhance corporate culture and work climate? Diverse environments enhance both the corporate culture and the work climate in a positive way. But this is not enough. In addition to diversity, it is important to work on inclusion, equity and a sense of belonging. We must work towards a culture of inclusion where all voices are valued and respected. This helps to create a working en - vironment where all staff feel safe, motivated and engaged. Diversity also fosters empathy and mutual understanding, which strengthens relationships between team mem - bers and promotes collaboration. Ultimately, an inclusive and diver- Vice-President of Fundación Diversidad D I V E R S I T Y D I V E R S I T Y 30